Sub for monster BASS!!!!!!

I know everyone likes tight bass, but has anyone ever gone to a dance club and felt that bass there? How do i get such bass, and what price are they?
check audiogon's manufacturer's list for mfr's www's... or do a search on lycos or yahoo or hotbot or?
This is an easy one to answer... the REL Studio II. The retail price on this one is a whopping $8,000.00
NO,NO,NO!!!!The above recommendations are not better than the sub I am going to recommend.I know the sub that will do exactly what you want.It is made by a direct mail order company called Legacy. This thing is just incredible. It has two custom made 15inch woofers with over 2 linear inches of throw, and a 1000watt internal amplifier!.(You can go to their website and check it out). This week I had a buddy over, who just purchaced 3 velodynes(sp?) so that he could get that killer bass. He said that my Legacy blew his multiple subs away, and that he is going to sell all three velos at once, and get the Legacy.
ehider, i went to legacy's www to czech out the specs for this sub - there weren't any. while i'm not saying this isn't a nice sub, at $3400, i'd hope it would be.

all that said, i have no desire to unload my vmps larger subs anytime soon - here's why: i prefer having my choice of amplification - usually far better quality than what's provided w/amps that are built-in to subs. same goes for x-overs. i also want the electronics to be located *outside* the sub - way too much wibration there for me... then there's the issue of specs - czech vmps' www -

i *know* the specs of these: 17hz-250hz, +0/-3db, 92db/1w/1m w/<0.5% thd, >115db @ 20hz w/<2.5% thd. here's a quote from vmps' www:

"NASA’s Langley Research Center has purchased two Larger VMPS Subwoofers as a source of 118 dB plus, 20Hz tone bursts. The Larger Subwoofer was the only commercially available system capable of so doing."

oh, then there's that price issue - i bought a pair of vmps larger subs fully optioned, a deluxe marchand xm-9 x-over, a new adcom gfa555 (purchased years ago), a used adcom gfa555 (so i could run the amps in bridged mono for ~900wpc into the 4 ohm load of the vmps), *and* tara labs i/c's & speaker cabling, & it *all* cost less than $2400...

ymmv, doug s. ;~)