Sub advice needed

Greetings All, 

I am looking for suggestions on a subwoofer (brand/size).

Line Magnetic (SET) 805ia amplifier
Mytek Brooklyn+ DAC
Bluesound Node streaming Tidal and FLAC ripped from CD's
Rega Planar 6 TT
Tannoy XT8F speakers

Music taste: 70-90's rock, prog rock, vocals

The room is rectangular at 16 feet long and 15 feet wide. No room treatments.

NOTE: Amplifier does not have a sub out. 
Budget is $1-3k. 

My concerns are: 
1. timing issues with adding another speaker affecting imaging/soundstage etc. 
2. Remote volume control on the sub since different songs may need different amount of sub?

I can place the sub in any area of the room. 
I also read on this forum somewhere about the pros and cons of connecting subwoofer to speaker outputs, but can't seem to find the thread, nor do I recall it ending with an answer if it can potentially cause amplifier problems or not. 

Tips and good advice are welcome. 


Showing 1 response by mijostyn

veerossi, I'd skip it for now. You are better of with what you have than trying to fix yourself up with a sub system for that kind of money. The Audiokinesis Swarm is probably the best for the money at $3200 which is a great price for that system. Otherwise you would have to do something like two JL Audio Fathom subs the cheapest being $7000/pr. Do not do just one sub unless you plan to buy another down the line.