Stylus Wear Question

Was wondering if anyone can either recommend a digital microscope, and its uses, or should I just send the cartridge out for a pro inspections /repair.  .

Showing 3 responses by chakster

Inspection cost about $30, send it to professionals.
They do not charge this fee if you process with repair/retip
If you have Replican 100 stylus and you are the first owner of this cartridge then you can roughly count an hrs of use, the Replicant 100 can be used for 2000 hrs at least. If you like the sound - do not worry, this stylus profile must have a long life-span (if you followed manufacturer’s recommendations regarding optimal tracking force and antiskating). I think it will be fair to say 2500 hrs life-span.
The user reported that he had not realized how much gradual degradation occurs over time that you don’t really notice.

This is why it’s important to have more than one cartridge (or additional stylus in case with MM/MI) so you can compare used and almost unused sample.

The OP has the most advanced modern profiles in the history - The Replicant 100