Showing 1 response by intactaudio

My favorite part is the diagram that shows how the effective tracking angle changes with the different stylus shapes. That is indeed exactly what happens. Regardless of stylus shape the effective tracking angle is constantly changing, sometimes dramatically, the whole time the record is playing.

I presume you are talking about the image from above showing how the Horizontal Tracking Angle (HTA / Zenith) changes as high frequencies are traced.  To me that diagram clearly tells me that for the advanced profiles that attempt to mimmic the cutting stylus has far less change over the course of playing music than the conical which effectively has a "variable zenith".

Please study this, and ask yourself, so then how important can it really be to stress over tiny fractions of a whatever when mounting a cartridge?

This depends on what profile you are using.  I find that if you have a conical then the most important thing is to have the cantilever tangent to the groove.  If you go to the other extreme and have a micro-ridge, suddenly the most important thing is that the faces of the contact patch follow that of the cutting stylus independent of the cantilever angle.  Other profiles fall somewhere in the grey area in-between.  It was very surprising to me how much a change of 0.25° of Zenith has on an alignment geometry and couple that to the tolerance of Zenith set to the cantilever and I want to throw the concept of an alignment protractor out the window.
