Stylus Drag

Hello all,

I was wondering, does stylus drag vary significantly based on the musical content of a record: frequency or dynamic vs slow passages? If it does vary based on the musical content is this amount insignificant relative to the amount of overall drag arising from the friction of the needle in the groove?

The resaon I'm asking is to understand that even if the speed setting is compensated for stylus drag if at a micro level it is still varying based on the musical content and if this is heard sonically.


Theoretically yes, there can be a few % more drag with a heavily modulated passage, opposed to a lightly modulated one. I base this on others findings and I haven't measured this myself. The audibility of any drag really depends on the table. Platter weight, drive type and torque make all the difference. Considerations would be different for a belt drive with a light platter and low torque motor, than for a one with a heavier platter and/or speed correction etc.