Stylus break in

Hi there good fellow 'Goners!

Just a quick issue that I need some advice on. My phono pre will arrive on Friday this week. Rigth nwo I have my cart all set up and dialed in, at least concerning overhang, azimuth, etc.
I was toying around with the idea of trying to break the cart in a bit by playing some lp's without actually having the tonearm leads hooked up so that when my pre arrives, the cart will have some time under its belt.

Is this wise or no? Better to wait? Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Showing 2 responses by rauliruegas

Dear Jmr: Very good your Spanish, congratulations!!, I can't say the same for my English: still learning.

regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Mariasplunge: IMHO I think is better to wait for your phonopre. What if something is wrong with the cartridge that with playing ( with out listening ) goes from bad to worse? .
Btw, it is always interesting to hear how the quality cartridge performance goes changing with the time playing!!!

Here in my country the people say: " not for wake up early dawn early "

Regards and enjoy the music.