Studio Electric M4

Has anyone heard this speaker?  I’m seriously considering buying it.  The reviews seem like its a fun speaker, has good defined bass, has good detail, is non-fatiguing, all the attributes I am looking for.

I will demo them tomorrow but would still like any feedback from people who have heard them!

Showing 1 response by transience

I own this speaker and it fully lives up to the above description. I have had great speakers from Devore, Silverline, Ryan, Spendor, Dynaudio, and numerous others (and I admire these brands); I hesitate to pick favorites but I keep coming back to my M4s. For me, the things that stand out (in descending order): controlled and delineated as well as lightning quick sealed box bass (yes, it makes a tremendous difference), rich tone with a very present and palpable midrange, extraordinary resolution and top end air, believable harmonic complexity, and an expansive soundstage. They are lively and accurate, so not at all “laid back,” but do not cause fatigue and are extremely responsive to different sources. In a small to medium size room, it’s hard to do better no matter the outlay. That said, I am currently really enjoying the process of Studio Electric finalizing a custom project for my system and Dave has been supremely communicative and helpful.