Studer A807

Are any of you out there in audio land using the A807? If so, may I ask you to provide feedback regarding your experience specifically including playback quality and any relevant operational details, heads, tape handling, reliability, etc?

Thank you kindly.   

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Showing 1 response by mijostyn


In this day and age analog Reel to Reel tape machines need be only museum pieces. What little software that is available (at ridiculous prices) is better purchased as hi res digital files. If your goal is to record other people's special records, this is best done with computer programs like Channel D's Pure Vinyl. I owned an A77 Revox in the 1970's and it was a PITA. After 8 years I got rid of it. Reel to Reel machines like the Studer are really cool devices. This is a terrible reason to buy a piece of stereo equipment. If you need a really cool device to impress your friends get a Maserati M20 Cielo.