Stuck point!

I am returning to the experts to get an opinion. I sold my PS Audio M 700 mono blocks thinking I was ready to pull the trigger on the Wellsenton R800i. I know their are great similarities between some of the Line Magnetic amps. around the same price point of just under $3,000, almost identical except for tubes. So, their are options if I chose to go with another well known brand. Here are the issue/s..  I have a fairly small treated room and I keep hearing it will “heat the room up.” I don’t know if it will be problematic or an overstatement. Plus the issue of bass. It may not produce good base which is a problem since I loved the class D amps bass. Lastly, speaker sensitivity, most of my speakers have 87db and up except for the LS50’s. Thanks, don

Showing 2 responses by jjss49

So, will having a Rel subwoofer offset the lack of bass in a tube amp?

yes, if it is a powered sub, like a rel
very few tube amps, even very expensive ones (much less budget models) will produce bass in a way that approaches what solid state, esp. class d amps will typically do

of course good tube amps will give you lovely, dimensional mids, smooth, natural highs and glorious, expansive imaging (if the speakers are not too hard for the amp to drive) ... so in effect, that is pretty much the trade we all make when we move from a to b... sometimes the trade is helped by using ss-powered subwoofers to augment tube amp driven main speakers

for a newbie to tube amps, i agree with the advice given that a push pull amp using el34’s or kt88/6550’s would be a good stepping stone into this world... a direct move to single ended amps might be a bit jarring and lead to dissatisfaction, especially if the user still wants superior bass response