streaming with benchmark2-dx DAC - problem - no signal to preamp

I am trying to stream from a newly purchased Benchmark2dx DAC via usb, using the benchmark usb cable connected to an Apple USB3 camera adapter, which is connected to a new ipad.  The camera adapter is also connected to a wall charger.  There is signal to the DAC's headphone outputs, but no signal to the Anthem preamp. 

The DAC is connected to the preamp's dvd intput. The disc player plays fine on that intput through the DAC. 

I called Benchmark tech support.  They were helpful, but we could not identify the problem.  I expect I am missing a basic setting, any help appreciated.

Showing 4 responses by jminock


Benchmark support had me double check, and the DAC is set to USB 2.0.
The headphones are not plugged in. 

I tried my older DAC, an Arcam irdac ii.  Same problem, so it's not likely the Benchmark.  Like the Benchmark, the Arcam input light indicates there is a usb signal from the ipad, but no output to the preamp. 

The Arcam does work with the disc player and with bluetooth using the same preamp input.  Still puzzled.
Yes, the Benchmark works with the cd player.

I am trying to stream Qobuz and other streaming services through the Benchmark USB. Music does play through on the Benchmark headphone jacks, and the front panel light indicates a signal.
But no sound to the preamp & amp.
Yes, rebooted the ipad.
The Apple camera adapter has a usb 3 input and a lightning input (which provides power when connected to a wall charger), and a lightning output to the ipad.
At your suggestion I connected a PC via usb to the Benchmark.  Same result, no signal to the preamp.