Streaming: WiFi or wired??

Looking to get a new streamer for a system based on Kii Three. WiFi signal is good but I’m also told that wired is always better. Specific streamer advice also welcomed; (no need to rip CD's). Thx in advance for any/all advice!

Showing 1 response by darkstar

There are so many ways to slice and dice streaming. Wired is best, but a solid wifi mesh is excellent. Orbi works well. I run ethernet Cat7 out of the Orbi.Streamer is Ultrarendu from Small Green Computer. Uses Roon/Tidal/Qobuz and my ripped CDs. I run ethernet from Orbi into an EtherRegen custom ethernet switch. It really improves the sound. Then connect Ultrarendu to switch. UpTone audio sells the custom switch and great power supplies.