Streaming vs traditional

My son is talking about the "lossless" audio one can stream.  I have a good collection of CD's as well as a couple of TT and LP's with more than than I should invested in both.  (some may say too much, some may say not enough)  Anyway, thought I would come to a relative neutral forum to ask for reviews on the streaming audio.  It kinda reminds me of the Bluray and Betamax wars of years past-no standard version/format yet.  I guess it's relatively in it's infancy with lots of software and format devices on the market.  I love the convenience of CD's and the warmth and ambience of analog.  So-what's up with the streamers?

Showing 1 response by cycles2

@willemj and all other MQA non-believers.
I suggest you get a high quality streamer/server/DAC like the Lumin S1 and tell me you don't think MQA songs don't sound better than their Redbook versions.  Please don't use a Bluesound 2 as your basis of comparison as the Bluesound is the weak link in the your comparison chain.  It's like saying MQA and non-MQA songs sound exactly the same via my $200 Meridian Explorer 2 MQA DAC, so therefore MQA doesn't sound better than Redbook.

IMO, Tidal MQA tracks sound comparable to the HDTracks hi-rez version, which is why I haven't purchased anything from HDTracks since MQA became available on TIDAL. BTW, the MQA album selection on TIDAL is growing rapidly, which will likely spell the end of HDTracks.