Streaming vs. CD

Is the digital signal of a server like Tidal of higher quality than that of a CD?

Showing 1 response by lar621

I have an Aurrender streamer hardwired to my router and hooked up to a PS Audio  DirectStream Dac with the latest software upgrade(big improvement). My transport is a  2 belt  drive CEC TLN2 up-sampling transport  hooked up to the same PS Audio Dac.  (Even though I do not have a MQA decoder, the Tidal  MQA  files sound consistently better than non MQA  files, although some of the non MQA files on Tidal can sound very good without  MQA.) 
But the issue at hand is CD vs. Tidal and in general, CD sounds better than streaming at least thru my system. I will say, however, in some circumstances, I have found some of the higher res MQA files to better CD in sound quality. So I have found it really comes down to software. If everything on Tidal was a MQA excellent recording one wouldn't need CD  but that simply isn't the case. So both have their places in a system.  I am listening thru a tube preamp with a separate power supply, a Luxman low power tube amp and reasonably efficient Focal speakers.