Streaming through Marantz Pre/Pro

My current music system is as follows:

Pioneer N70ae Streamer

Pioneer LX800SE BDP

Marantz 8805/8077 pre/pro

PMC MB2SE speakers

All Cables by TimePortal

All equipment upgraded to limit vibrations and EMI RFI interference.

My issue is this is a revealing system, so that streaming often sounds hissy, and lacking in space between instruments or airiness.

Yes I know it’s limited in so many ways, the pre/pro amps are HT items. They sound ok and seem to power the PMC’s well enough.

So some benchmarks… when I play cd on the Pioneer LX800SE the system does sound significantly better but … but everything still sounds rather like MP3 V2.0. Am I being too picky? Or just not relating to what I’m hearing.

Then there’s the handshake issues. Suddenly the music stops. There’s an LG TV connected to the Marantz, HDMI eARC, using an 8GB Cable. The Pioneer audio track is showing on the screen. Good but stable for how long? I pulled the hdmi cable out and reinserted to the tv fixed that issue.

Do I want show the neighbors - the sound bar crew? Mmm not really yet. Nothing great here yet. Hang on the hdmi handshake issue stopped the music again 😵‍💫


Showing 2 responses by spenav



The two problems you are having are very common. Your system is sounding a little harsh and cold as your wife noticed. The solution is room acoustic. You can have a professional address it for you (where is the fun in that) or you can do it yourself by trial and error (sometimes more expensive). Some people use tube gears to get that warmth but room acoustic is the right solution. As for the issue with the bass, you might need to introduce multiple subwoofers (no more than three) and put one of them on a stand so that the driver is between a quarter and one half of the room height. I will try to attach a picture of one of my subs. Good luck.