Streaming for beginner

I have a PS Audio front end-- DMP disc player and DirectSteam DAC. Very happy with the resolution and performance, especially from my redbook cd collection. For those familiar with the DSD, it is upgradable via a network bridge card to become a dedicated streamer. When I bought this DAC, I was looking ahead to an eventual migration to streaming.
I also have a Spotify account, that currently only serves me as a companion to my iPhone during walks and exercise.

My question: assume my goal is to stream for convenience, simplicity, and achieve audio quality that equals or surpasses that of redbook cd’s. I am not looking to purchase music or download it for storage. What am I missing? I also have a dedicated iPad that can serve as the interface to the DAC/Streamer. Spotify also claims that streaming in high resolution is available on my account. Do I need anything else? Am I oversimplifying this?

I am a beginner when it comes to streaming, so please answer in simple terms since I will not be familiar with a lot of the services and components mentioned elsewhere in these forums. In fact, confusing enough for me that it is forcing me to ask here.


Showing 2 responses by zgas-music

Sending some love out to AirPlay, which has facilitated my entry into the streaming world. 
Bought a used Marantz AV7701 and saw it is Airplay ready. So I did the Roon 2week trial and haven’t looked back. 
Have been sending CDs into iTunes (on Windows) for years using Apple Lossless Encoding to haul music around in my iPhone. Now iTunes is my Roon repository. Because of fidelity problems with how I had to connect the preamp to WiFi, I bought a used Airport Express device (1264) for $20 on eBay and plugged it into the CD phono input on my preamp. Roon found it without a hitch. Sounds great. 
With my intro to streaming, I now have Amazon Music Unlimited, too. Discovering new music all over. The only downside is that there’s no connection between Roon and Amazon. Hopefully that will change. 
Got the audio bug over 40 years ago. Tho I don’t have the gear budget some of you guys/gals have, I have a passion for great sound (and a wife that puts up with it). Appreciate the discussion forum very much. I have learned a lot. Thanx all!
Can someone tell me why carriage returns from my iPhone are getting swallowed in my posts?