Streaming for beginner

I have a PS Audio front end-- DMP disc player and DirectSteam DAC. Very happy with the resolution and performance, especially from my redbook cd collection. For those familiar with the DSD, it is upgradable via a network bridge card to become a dedicated streamer. When I bought this DAC, I was looking ahead to an eventual migration to streaming.
I also have a Spotify account, that currently only serves me as a companion to my iPhone during walks and exercise.

My question: assume my goal is to stream for convenience, simplicity, and achieve audio quality that equals or surpasses that of redbook cd’s. I am not looking to purchase music or download it for storage. What am I missing? I also have a dedicated iPad that can serve as the interface to the DAC/Streamer. Spotify also claims that streaming in high resolution is available on my account. Do I need anything else? Am I oversimplifying this?

I am a beginner when it comes to streaming, so please answer in simple terms since I will not be familiar with a lot of the services and components mentioned elsewhere in these forums. In fact, confusing enough for me that it is forcing me to ask here.


Showing 9 responses by mbiondo

Label, you’re right. I didn’t and should have.  80% of what I listen to is jazz, and a lot of that is female vocal jazz.  The rest is classical and opera.  
“It's certainly easier than setting up a decent turntable setup :-)”

I would have never believed it.  But it’s certainly true.  
Thanks, Melvinjames.  How do you compare the quality and resolution of Tidal to cds?   I have not yet purchased the network card.  Following this discussion I plan to purchase it and whatever else I may need to make the plunge into streaming.   
grm, thanks. Yes, the Bridge II network card does support MQA. Sounds like what I need is this card and Tidal and I’m all set. Even I can manage this. Oh, I forgot to mention, I do already have WiFi. Haha.
Yes, I will be able to hardwire the network card directly via Ethernet.  Tidal or QoBuz sounds like the overwhelming choice.  Thank you all.  Sounds like I’m on the right path.  If I knew it was this easy I would have done this earlier.  Not knowing is half the battle.  $$$ is the other half!!
A big thanks to everyone who provided very good info here.  I am learning a lot. I am finding here some very consistent answers re QoBuz, for example.  So there are pieces of this puzzle that convinced me I should do.  But one early post above suggested I research PS Audio forums as well.  Unfortunately I did. And I found some disturbing mixed reviews on the Bridge II network card.  Consistently owners found the DS dac to be less musical with the card than without.  Many DS owners have moved to an Aurelic Aries G1 or G2 as a dedicated streamer and away from the Bridge II.  This option is a lot more $$$ than I had anticipated spending on just the network card.  I don’t mind the $$$, but I also don’t want to waste money.  PS Audio has a 30 day trial period which I can certainly take advantage of.  But I wouldn’t have the option to compare to a dedicated streamer like the Aurelic.  Decisions, decisions.  
Thank you, tchatch.   You are right, but it is also my fault that I titled this thread "streaming for a beginner".  While true I am a beginner, I did state clearly that I want to replicate a similar SQ from my redbook cd collection, currently played thru what I think is very good equipment.  Equipment that I invested wisely (if there is such a thing in hi-end audio!) to get the best sound I could possibly get at a budget I was comfortable with.  If I cannot get something that is at, close to, or better, than cd spinning, I will lose interest very fast.  I'd rather budget $5k (my budget, btw) for such a streaming system than rather waste $1k for something that will, in my opinion, sound below my expectations.  I have invested heavily in my system to get a SQ that pleases me, but if I was simply looking for streaming convenience, well, I already have that:  Spotify.  I have learned a lot here, and am taking all the advice everyone has contributed in order to make my final investment.  Again, this has been a phenomenal learning experience for me.  
Hey everyone.  I’m the OP and wanted to let everyone know that after many months of research and thinking and reading every single reply here, I took the plunge and went with an Aurelic G2.1 and Cardas USB to my existing PS Audio DSD.   Play Qobuz via Aurelic Lightning app on my iPad.  I’m incredulous on how well it compares to my cd collection played thru my PSAudio DMP.  Honestly, comparing same tracks I cannot tell the difference in SQ.  I cannot say one is better than the other.  I may hear a little more detail on CDs but not entirely convinced that I am.  Regardless, having the ability to explore new music almost without limit and not sacrificing quality is a game changer.