Streaming for beginner

I have a PS Audio front end-- DMP disc player and DirectSteam DAC. Very happy with the resolution and performance, especially from my redbook cd collection. For those familiar with the DSD, it is upgradable via a network bridge card to become a dedicated streamer. When I bought this DAC, I was looking ahead to an eventual migration to streaming.
I also have a Spotify account, that currently only serves me as a companion to my iPhone during walks and exercise.

My question: assume my goal is to stream for convenience, simplicity, and achieve audio quality that equals or surpasses that of redbook cd’s. I am not looking to purchase music or download it for storage. What am I missing? I also have a dedicated iPad that can serve as the interface to the DAC/Streamer. Spotify also claims that streaming in high resolution is available on my account. Do I need anything else? Am I oversimplifying this?

I am a beginner when it comes to streaming, so please answer in simple terms since I will not be familiar with a lot of the services and components mentioned elsewhere in these forums. In fact, confusing enough for me that it is forcing me to ask here.


Showing 2 responses by larry5729

I really think the Bluesound Node 2i sounds great.  I tried adding a DAC, but lost Tidal MQA and the Bluesound playing MQA sounded better.  When adding the DAC the bass frequencies fell off and it sounded thin.  I wonder if Bluesound increased the price to $3,000 if more audiophiles would buy more of them.  Spending more doesn't necessarily sound better.  Wonder how many have done a blind test.  I can see it if the system is priced out at $100,000.
When I purchased my BlueSound Node 2i I purchased a ProJect S2 DAC to connect to the BlueSound.  When I added the external DAC the bass sounded thinner.  I wonder why that was the case?  Of course the ProJect DAC is an inexpensive DAC and perhaps that is why the BlueSound sounded better without adding an external DAC.  I also for some reason sensed better sound quality when I played MQA songs on Tidal.  Wonder why that is the case or is this just my imagination?  Seems to me like so many things are smoke and mirrors.