Streaming + DAC questions. Please help this noob!

Hi Guys,

After a couple of decades avoiding the desire to become an audiophile . . . here I am. I've jumped head first and purchased the following:

Bryston BP 20 preamp
Bryston 4B SST amp
B&W 801 Matrix II

I'm actively avoiding becoming a vinyl collector (too many hobbies, not enough physical space, etc etc), so most of my music will be from Spotify. I know they aren't the greatest quality . . . but for the sake of ease and variety and modernity, that's what I'm using. My 'hub' would be an imac sitting 10 feet away from the hifi system. I'd like to control from that computer since that's where I'm sitting most of the day. 

At first, I had hoped to be able to connect via bluetooth adapter directly into preamp and that sounded horrible. (Lesson #1). I then tried with an Audioquest Beetle and that sounded pretty good. I also tried an ipad direct into the preamp and that's OK, too (not as good as with Beetle). But it's clear to me I probably need a dedicated DAC (Lesson #2). So my questions:

1. Whats the best way to use Spotify connect via my Imac? Should I dedicate the ipad to sit on top of the hifi? I also have an old macbook pro that could sit on the hifi and be the connected hardware. The beetle worked fine, but I don't want my computer sounds to come out of my hifi system, only Spotify. 

2. My head is spinning with DAC info. It seems like I can't go wrong with a $99 Schiit, but I'd rather just buy right the first time. Happy to spend up to 1k (used is definitely ok with me) on a DAC that I can just forget about. Did I mess up by not getting an integrated preamp/dac? 

I come to you guys with humility and ready for Lessons 3 thru infinity.
When I was were you are now, I opted for a dedicated streamer and a DAC. A key reason was to be able to control the music from my phone and to stream directly from the wifi and not from my computer - hence enabling to hear music and do what I whatever I want with my computer simultaneously (like streaming sport).

I started off with a couple of cheap solutions and how now moved to an entry audiophile level. 

I use the Innuos Zenmini (1K) as streamer. On the streamer I have Roon installed, which provides a good user interfaces and a lot of "album information" that I enjoy. Through the streamer I use Tidal, which has better SQ (more bits). 

The streamer is connected to a DAC, where I have RME ADI-2 DAC (also 1K). The setup is good, easy, user friendly and sounds good. I would have liked to have MQA also, but my DAC is not MQA-enabled. 

Here's a tip to better the sonics of the Bluesound Node; swap out the stock power cord for a high quality aftermarket.
It's a C7 (figure 8) PC and the replacement doesn't have to be mega-expensive.
I've used Wireworld and Cullen and the upgrade in sound was not subtle; more detail, a lower noise floor, and an expanded soundstage.

I use an old iMac dedicated to music system. I mirror screen on my iPad for remote functions. I have two DACs Schiit modi multibit and Jolida tube DAC. I think the tube DAC has a richer, more nuanced tone, plus you get to roll tubes😝
I run signal to POLK SRS 3.1 tl speakers via Rogue chronus magnum tube amp. I use Apple Music streaming service. I find that despite all the numbers flying around about other hifi services, Apple  is as good as I can hear. I tell it like this: I can tell the difference between a $20 bottle of wine and a $200 bottle, but I can’t tell the difference between a $200 bottle and a $2000 bottle....
+1000 on the power cable upgrade per lowrider57.  Jason at the Cable Company (no affiliation, just a very satisfied customer) recommended the Wireworld Mini-Electra 7 and the difference was immediate and impressive.  Much more detail, the "haze" is gone, more 3D and lower noise.  Much larger soundstage as well.  I run my Node 2i through a Wyred 4 Sound DAC-2 DSDse playing Amazon Music HD and it sounds excellent.  
To those recommending a power cord upgrade to the Node 2i, have any of you tried the Pangea Audio C7 cord, and if so, what were your impressions?