Streaming + DAC questions. Please help this noob!

Hi Guys,

After a couple of decades avoiding the desire to become an audiophile . . . here I am. I've jumped head first and purchased the following:

Bryston BP 20 preamp
Bryston 4B SST amp
B&W 801 Matrix II

I'm actively avoiding becoming a vinyl collector (too many hobbies, not enough physical space, etc etc), so most of my music will be from Spotify. I know they aren't the greatest quality . . . but for the sake of ease and variety and modernity, that's what I'm using. My 'hub' would be an imac sitting 10 feet away from the hifi system. I'd like to control from that computer since that's where I'm sitting most of the day. 

At first, I had hoped to be able to connect via bluetooth adapter directly into preamp and that sounded horrible. (Lesson #1). I then tried with an Audioquest Beetle and that sounded pretty good. I also tried an ipad direct into the preamp and that's OK, too (not as good as with Beetle). But it's clear to me I probably need a dedicated DAC (Lesson #2). So my questions:

1. Whats the best way to use Spotify connect via my Imac? Should I dedicate the ipad to sit on top of the hifi? I also have an old macbook pro that could sit on the hifi and be the connected hardware. The beetle worked fine, but I don't want my computer sounds to come out of my hifi system, only Spotify. 

2. My head is spinning with DAC info. It seems like I can't go wrong with a $99 Schiit, but I'd rather just buy right the first time. Happy to spend up to 1k (used is definitely ok with me) on a DAC that I can just forget about. Did I mess up by not getting an integrated preamp/dac? 

I come to you guys with humility and ready for Lessons 3 thru infinity.

Showing 1 response by billynine

Maybe I’m late to this, but I am looking into the Lumin D2 and Auralic Altair G1. I will most likely choose the Lumin D2 for my system. With the gear you are using, you might want to do the same. I currently have the BlueSound Node 2i and have been disappointed thus far. My previous set-up was a MacBook air steamed through a Resonessence Concero dac. The drop off in quality has not been subtle. I have not run the Node2i thru the Concero to compare, but my hope when purchasing the Node2i was a one box solution. The Lumin D2 will stream and convert, but does not offer any extra digital inputs. Reports are that it sounds sweet, warm and analog. The Altair G1 will also stream and convert, and has better functionality with the addition of a headphone amp, digital inputs and wireless connectivity. Reported sound is more detailed and airy than the Lumin. I don’t think you can go wrong with either for the price and both are ROON ready.