Streamer vs renderer vs music

I have been reading a lot of the forum posts to try understand my best path forward for my digital frontend.  Within the posts on streaming all these terms seem to come up with recommended brands but I am now somewhat confused as to what I need to get the best source sound quality to my DAC.  I don't know if I need a streamer, a dedicated music server, a renderer, a bridge, a roon endpoint, a combination of, or something else.  Looking for some education so I can then zero in on some options.  

I mostly stream tidal so I don't necessarily need to pay extra for CD ripping or file storage capabilities, however I won't discount these options if they come with the component that has great sound quality. Basically, how best do I get the Tidal stream to my DAC, preferably using Roon as the controller (open to other options if SQ is improved with different components).

I have a Leben CS600x, Devore 0/96s, and currently an Auralic Vega G2 but I am looking to change to the Holo Audio May KTE or a TotalDac.  The Vega has the built in streamer and lighting controller but I also use the Vega as a Roon endpoint with the Roon controller (I think that's how it works?)  The Roon core is currently on my iMAC.

Sorry for starting another post!  I tried to piece it together from other posts but there were too many types of components mentioned in the chain before the DAC that I didn't fully understand.


Showing 10 responses by crandell25

@jjss49 agreed, some great advice and knowledge shared on the thread.  It has really helped me get a better understanding of how the digital pieces fit together and what would work best for my situation.  I do think a good dedicated streamer, regardless of my dac choice is currently a missing link. The comments have also helped get a better understanding of how Roon works and how others have implemented a dedicated get the best out of that solution.  Lots of good stuff for me to digest!

@carlsbad thanks for your thoughts!  In your case, your streaming NUC is wired directly to your DAC?

@mgrif104 Thanks for sharing your experience with the Auralic products and the increased benefits of combining their DAC and streamer offerings. I have thought about adding the streamer to my current setup but I have this itch to try an R2R Dac that won’t seem to go away! That said, you have peaked my interest again to check with my dealer to see if he has the Aries G2.1 in so I can try it in my system.

I do agree that the Lightning DS does sound better than Roon. I do use both but lean to the Roon user experience more. I would love to try Qobuz but it is still not available in Canada to my knowledge. Hopefully, that will change.

I appreciate the feedback!

@sns I don't have a vinyl setup but I am starting to question that decision with all the streaming complexities to get it right.  :)

The G2 is a great unit and you're right, the easiest path is to just add the Aries G2.1 and move on.  I am going to see if I can find one to demo.  Maybe the Aries will remove the itch to try a new DAC and all the unknowns that change will bring!  I definitely like Roon better than the Auralic controller.  That said, it is not a bad user experience so I could lean toward it if I get the sound quality right.

@audiotroy thanks for the info and the recommendation, I will take a look!

@mahler123 I originally started the thread because I am debating trying a different DAC without a built in streamer and all the terminologies were somewhat confusing as I started to read on streamer recommendations...  this thread has helped me make sense of the different pieces and what I potentially need given my requirements.  It has also highlighted areas where my current setup could be improved upon.  As to why I want to make changes, that's a great question!  I have been toying with trying an R2R DAC for a while so all the posts from the group have helped me understand the digital chain a little better.  That and I have been isolating for the past week so I may have gone mad.  :)

Hi everyone,

I thought I would post an update. I took some time to decide on my commitment to Roon or other ecosystems. I decided I like Roon and preferred to stick with it and to find a way to make Roon sound its best. I ended up contacting Baetis Audio and they built a custom Revolution system around my needs. The system is a stripped down Linux implementation running roon with a great AES output that now runs directly into the Auralic Vega G2. The change was not subtle in my system and really exposed how running roon on my iMac or using the Vega’s built in streamer was not providing the performance you can get when things are implemented on a dedicated system. The music is much more detailed and has significantly more weight to it. I am very pleased with the change.

The other great thing with Baetis Audio is that you are not really stuck with a particular products ecosystem. If a Roon replacement comes out or you need a windows implementation to accommodate something different... it appears it is a fairly easy transition to make. I know some folks have Windows running on the Baetis systems and using JRiver instead vs how I implemented...

There are definitely lots of great options out there and we all have different needs and systems but I wanted to share my positive experience with the change to the Baetis Audio system. Joe at Baetis is fantastic to deal with as well!