Streamer on Office WiFi?

So I recently went about setting up a modest streaming system for my office at a large research university and have run into a problem I didn’t anticipate in the least. I’m curious if anyone might have any suggestions as to a workaround.

I bought an Audiolab 6000N to use, only to discover that while it supports WPA2, I can’t get onto my work’s WiFi because it apparently doesn’t support WPA2 enterprise requirements. I have tried everything I can think of to work around this: I tried using the guest network, I tried using a mini router to deliver the office ethernet to the steamer (my work’s IT won’t register the mini router to the network), I tried bringing ethernet directly to the streamer (IT won’t register the streamer either).

Is there anything I might be able to do here to get this streamer hooked up to the WiFi despite the WPA2 Enterprise issue?

It’s not the end of the world if not, I can run my MacBook Pro to an outboard DAC if I have to, but I did buy this streamer just for this application, which is frustrating!

Thanks in advance!


Showing 1 response by jbs

The issue is you are trying to use corporate wifi for personal use. IT generally frowns on that since it could jeapardize IT security. Ask the IT folks and maybe they can be helpful but most will not just due to the risk on their end. Maybe stream from your phone or a public wifi spot if it exists.