Streamer for mostly Qobuz with volume control

Looking for a streamer to go to the main system, it has to have volume control and will go to a qutest by USB, setup is m30.2 XD LFD NCSE 2 (no remote control), Chord qutest. Can consider streamer dac but really like the chord. Budget max 3000, auralic? Lumin, aurender, other contender on a more budget friendly side (1000$)?? For those who have a similar setup can chime in it would be appreciated. 


Showing 2 responses by nicolascb

@ddude003 no remote control on the integrated amp, thus the need to move upstream without loosing sound quality,  @tksteingraber ifi specify not to use their volume control is a loss of quality will occur.  I eard from an auralic reseller that with new steamer of higher quality, this option is possible without sacrificing sound and loss will be perceive during volume change and quality will come back instantly

Then I might sell the streamer and go for streamer dac preamp? I know that this exists on the lumin T2- T3, hifi rose 250 or else? Olit will add 1000$ to the overall budget