Streamer/DAC - Where is the value?

I currently have ($10K) Olympica Nova II speakers, ($11K) McIntosh MA9000 integrated amp and a (~$1.5K) Cambridge Audio 851N network player. The weak link here seems to be the Cambridge unit. 

I'm prepared to upgrade my streamer/DAC situation and my budget is about $4-6K. Although there are SO many options out there and it's tough to tell where I'll find the most value. My assumption is that the DAC is going to play a much larger part in sound quality than the Streamer. I play music primarily through Tidal. I don't have requirements for server storage or any other sophisticated source capabilities. 

Many of the network players come with a pre-amp which I am assuming I should rule immediately. That pre-amp would be taking a share of the overall budget. On the other hand I was thinking maybe I should buy separates. I could max out the DAC and get something good enough for the streaming. Or even continue to use the Cambridge if I really wanted. Having a beautiful screen on a good looking streamer would be nice but seems like lower priority in terms of bang for buck.

Curious to hear people's thoughts. Are there any specific units anyone would recommend as either an all in one network player or as separates? The Auralic ALTAIR G2.1 seems like the ideal all in one but it's at the very peak of my budget.



Showing 1 response by chiadrum

While I definitely understand the wisdom of keeping the two separate, I purchased a bundle from Cary Audio. Their DMS650 is a DAC/Streamer priced at $4800. They are always running sales and you could probably get 15% off right now  

Unfortunately my only comparison is a Bluesound Node although at a dealer I did quite a bit of listening on a Cambridge unit. The Cary unit had an extremely profound impact on the sound of my system. This was not a night and day, this was a Quantum leap. Not only did the quality and clarity improve dramatically, but the power and impact of the sound was stunning. Maybe that can be said of any DAC and Streamer at that price. Steve Huff said this unit punches above its weight and is an easy recommendation for anyone spending up to 6k coincidentally. They also have B stock on their website which is discontinued models. They have a few DMS 550’s at $2995 right now, but those are exempt from the 30 day return policy. 
Based on my experience, the DAC is perhaps the most important component in a digital system. Prior to the Cary, I was on the verge of buying an MA352 and choosing a DAC later. But after hearing the Cary combo, my decision was made. The SQ, nuance and detail were far superior with the Cary combo. What attracted me was the realism and vocals. The drums actually sounded like drums. And I’m a lifelong drummer. The cymbals shimmer and decay naturally. On good to excellent recordings, this combo is stunning. The Cary sound is said to be natural but not fatiguing. I must concur. 
Happy hunting.