Straight out of the box doesn't work.

Just received my new Prima Luna EVO 400. Heavy thing, looks good. Took the foam off the tubes, only on the power tubes. Nothing on the small tubes. I'm new at this, don't know what they are called. I did notice some of the tubes were a little crooked so I seated them in a little better. However ( you new that was coming) two of the small tubes on the right kind of wooble. Did I spell that right? What the hell plugged in and red light on the right side. It doesn't work right out of the box. Going back tomorrow. Just wanted to let ya know. Going to go through the recommendations again. Good night.

Showing 1 response by georgehifi

My bets on the AR.

The heart of any tube push pull is it’s output transformer.
And history shows Audio Research have always had only the very best output transformers in their amps.
Some of the Prima Luna models have had sometimes ringing a little in the ultra sonic frequencies, (sharp rise in FR above 20khz) which is usually the transformer..

From Stereophile on that PL transformer ringing
But with the tap matched to the load, this peak was associated with a significant amount of overshoot on a 1kHz squarewave (fig.2), though a 10kHz squarewave revealed that the consequent ringing was critically damped (fig.3), the amplifier maintaining its stability.

Cheers George