Storage of other speakers in the room, shorting them while not in use? Myth or true?

Hi ,I am about to bring another set of speakers to my audio room, I want to leave the unused ones I,m using right now  in the same room..  Is it true that to have them not interact with the acoustics of the room and with the speakers in use I should put them in short ( positive and negative connected ) the unused ones.  I have received that advice from two different audiophiles, one of them with experience in a pro recording studio. Is it real? or is it just a urban legend (aka BS)?


Showing 1 response by cardani

Thanks to all for your comments, some of them are really funny, keep the coming! While there is a possibility of an improvement by shorting or completing the circuit of unused speakers in a same room, I ask, how much it cost to do it? , it probably cost cents to put a wire or speaker jumper to do so, if we compare it to how much we spend on footers, exotic cables, NOS tubes, acoustic diffusers etc...Might as well try it when the new speakers come.