Stll listen to Dynaco Speakers? Sound comparison with AR?

What is your favourite Dynaco speaker and how does it compare sonically to the higly touted and super expensive AR speakers? 
Off topic here, but maybe relevant.  I forgot that I had a pair of KLH Model 5 speakers a few years back.  I had them recapped and rewired.  The beveled cabinets were beefy as hell and the five drivers in a three-way configuration were vastly better than the Dynaco A35's... not even in the same league.  I hadn't used the speakers for a while when I delivered them to devotee of vintage gear in San Francisco. I was floored when we hooked them up to his system... the bass response was incredible, truly.  It is a pair of speakers I wished I had kept, profoundly musical, with avery deep LF response that no KLH 2-way speakers could approach.
I had Dynaco A-25's. Never had AR, but compared them to Large Advents. I preferred the Advents... Both AR and Advent were started by Henry Kloss, I believe.
I had them both , starting with the A25s as my first sequential set way back in my college dorm days

Both were the start of new mass-produced budget bookshelves geared at the new wave of Boomers trudging off to college.

Both were okay for their time and pricepoint , but hardly memorable by today’s standards . Each had a signature presentation -- The ARs were better with classical and jazz; the A25s with boomy rock and pop of that era.

I upgraded from them to JBL 100s with their own signature non-linear coloured exaggerated boomy bass and pumped-up treble "California " sound, that were even better at popular Geezer Rock than the DYNACOs.

My takeaway:

They were ok for their time when alternatives were very limited; that are only now purely nostalgia fan budget offerings that are easily bested by a bevy of contenders -- and even the pretenders -- in today’s offerings. Speaker design, materials, build and crossovers have greatly evolved .... not even close.
I loved the A25 and A35 speakers, classic sound, but only after they have been recapped and rewired.  I never had a pair of AR's to compare them to.  Similar in sound are the KLH Model 6 speakers.  I never understood the price the vintage AR speakers command in the market these days.  
I have an old pair of Dynaudio 70s. Still great speakers especially for rock but they play everything well, placed properly, of course.