Stillpoints and Wilson Maxx II or III speakers

I have read many great reviews of the Stillpoint products. The manufacturer told me that the greatest benefit of their products is when they are used under speakers. I would like to hear from anyone who has tried Stillpoint Ultra SS or Ultra 5s under Wilson Maxxes or Alexandrias. Considering the materials used and internal bracing of Wilson speakers, I am curious to know how effective the Stillpoint products are when placed under these speakers. I own Maxx IIs and they are currently placed on a suspended wood floor. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by vhiner

I use the SS Ultra's under my Thiel CS3.7's on wood floors to good effect
and I have a friend who uses the 5's under the latest Sashas and is very,
very pleased. No idea whether the pay off would be the same for the
Alexandrias. They *are* pricey buggers.