Stillpoint ERS Paper Question

I would like to get some opinions from A'goners who have tried the ERS paper tweak. Please let me know which component (ie, CDP, Amplifier, preamp, etc) you treated and where you put the paper/cloth on your components. Also, how much did you use (ie, one 8x11, two 4x6's, etc), and your observations good or bad!
In advance, thanks and happy listening!

Showing 7 responses by tbg

I don't have any fatique without the ERS. With it the music is lifeless. As always, YMMV.
I would ditto, Sns. All of mine now sits on the shelf. If you don't like the pace and dynamics of music, ERS is for you.
Norfish, I agree entirely about if you lose highs you have too much. I went down to 1/4" square before giving up.
You guys have whetted my interest to retry this material. I find it most curious that my tiny amounts just kill the dynamics of music while others using much larger amounts report great satisfaction. I will follow Phaelon's suggestion of using a paper punch and trying such dots in different locations.
Tgun5, I certainly did not have your good fortune with ERS although I started in largely the same manner. Everywhere I tried even small amounts, it killed dynamics and high frequencies. I am going to try some paper punch sized pieces this weekend. Presently my four sheets sit unused on a shelf.
I sold the uncut sheets that I still had. Totally worthless in my system.