Still looking for speakers in the 10-20,000 range

I’ve heard Proacs, Personas 3 and 5, Ryans, Wilsons, Wilson Benesch, Monitor Audios, B and Ws and several others in the 10-$20,000 range.  My favorite so far is the KEF Reference 3.  I would consider the Reference 5 but, as I’ve posted before, there is no place to hear them within 400 miles. Still plan to hear the Focal 2 and 3. Unless I love the Focals, I'm inclined to either go with the KEF Reference 3 or wait a couple of months (or more) to check out the new Magico A3.  My room is 24x18.  I have Audio Research electronics and 20 plus year old Proac Response 3.5 speakers.  It’s been a long process and I’m not sure if I’ll be relieved or disappointed when it ends.  Hard to decide if the Magico’s are worth waiting for.  Thoughts?

Showing 1 response by shadorne

Good for you. Those polypropylene drivers are really dated. With AR electronics you really need some good speakers.

KEF Ref 3 have a great mid range, perhaps that is what appeals to you over the others you mentioned. Try to audition Harbeth, PMC and ATC - some other great British speakers with nice mids...

I don’t think Magico is worth waiting for. Better to stick to proven, time-tested designs like your AR gear! One notable audiogoner here also had some of the best in electronics but Magico instantly gave him a headache. You don’t need sizzle - stick to steak!