Still happily using vintage gear?

I was sitting listening to my main system consisting of an Audio Research SP8 preamp, NYAL Moscode 600 Maxi, Vandersteen 5 speakers, Thorens TD126MkIII with Sumiko Blue Point, VPI HW16, and was completely satisfied, again, with the experience. (Kimber 12TC, Morrow, Straightwire, AQ and Furman accessories)
All the equipment has been well cared for and kept in good repair: caps replaced, TT overhauled etc.
But it has an average age of about 30 years!
I love reading about all the latest gear, and lust after some of it dearly, but... I'm satisfied with what I have.
I'm playing with digital and having my fun with that, but I was wondering:
Is anyone else still happy with equipment that is now considered "vintage"?
(I don't think of it as "vintage", I just think of it as long-lasting!)
So... what's the oldest piece in your rig?
Mine is the Moscode. 40 years young.


Oh, shame on me. I forgot to mention my Linn LP12.  Modest upgrades over the years and now running the original Ittok arm with a Hana LO cart.

Hello All,

I just sort of ended up with vintage gear, as a friend gave me my tube amps, but I love my systems. In the house I have -

Dynaco ST-70, VTA Driver board, Triode Cap Board, fully rebuilt

NAD 1155 Pre, recapped and modded as per LeeStereo

Technics SL-1200, KAB tonearm rewire and Cardas interconnect

B&W P4 Speakers, I think these are the newest of the lot at 1995

Shop System -

Technics SL1600 MK2

NAD 1020 pre, fully rebuilt

NAD 2200 fully gone through by Peter at Quirk Audio for the lows

Dual Heathkit W5M’s for the highs, fully gone through with SDS cap board upgrade

B&W 702’s, again, probably the newest component

Both tables have AT VM540ML carts. I sometimes use a Rek-O-Kut Rondine table.

For the money I spent, not counting the countless hours of tweaking, I can’t imagine better sound out of new gear. I’m sure I’d be in many multiples to get the same sound quality.


Take care,



 Most of my 2 channel set up is from the 90's, with some older and newer pieces here and there. 

It consists of a Parasound PH-850 Preamp and Parasound HCA-806 Amplifier. A California Audio Labs Icon MKii CD player, Magnum Dynalab Etude tuner, Empire Troubador 598 youngest piece is a Cambridge Audio DacMagic 100 which I connect my laptop computer to. This is all played through Snell E.5 mk2 tower speakers using MTI bi wire speaker cables. 


This old system brings me great joy!!!! I've enjoyed reading about fellow audio enthusiasts vintage systems on this thread!


Save if you invest in very highly advanced engineering H-Fi , vintage may be the best  S.Q. /price ratio possible...

It was for my speakers and for my amplifier...

Cost ridiculously low...

S.Q. ridiculously high...

One of the better amplifier in the world in 1978 cannot be bad today... Only very good... Not the best there is now for sure,  but who want the best anyway? Someone with a deep pocket....

And S.Q. anyway is more related to "acoustic and psycho-acoustic intelligence" than to ONLY engineering per se...