Stiff power cords are frustrating

Just venting...I want good power cords to connect my gear but trying to work with some of these very stiff power cords is just frustrating. Due to my somewhat confined rack setup, I'm going to have to find the right compromise of good power cord and flexible enough to work with in a confined workspace.
I have experience with DCCAs, Electraglide Epiphany and Elrod EPS-2. These are all fine cords but will need open rack to install them.
Pick the cord that sounds best, if its stiff, then pre-bend it into shape. I've found that this works great. Don't struggle with it, look at how you want it to go, then pre-bend it, then put it into place. I've had the VD Nite, Master and Revelation series. Yes they are stiff, but they sound very good, and when pre-bent there is not as much of a struggle.

I dumped my Anacondas for this very reason. Try the Pure Note Paragons, small diameter with none of the fillers, and flexible. I use them on all my gear. FWIW.
FIM cords are extremely stiff, but may be bent into position. Not knowing how limited your space is, these may or may not work. I find them to be the best cords for my system.
TG are quite flexible, Analysis Plus also flexible, Shunyata Taipan and Python flexible as well.