Steven Wilson's Ultra Deluxe Music Product on Obsolete Media

I have been a Steven Wilson fan for many years and laughed on Nov. 27th when he released the "Ultra Deluxe Music Product on Obsolete Media' in a limited edition of one selling for 10,000 pounds. The proceeds went to charity and it sold immediately. The box set included the test pressing of his new album, an exclusive single for this box set only, one of his Grammy nomination medals, and some pictures. An overall theme of his new album involves consumerism and how materialistic society has gotten. The box set edition of one was a reaction to the various "deluxe" versions of McCarthy III (13 in all) and other ridiculous box sets. While I doubt that Sir Paul had anything to do with all of the various versions, there is no doubt that there is a producer/label behind the greed factor of issuing 13 different versions in the hope of Beatle collectors out there buying them all to be completists. Love it when artists can laugh at themselves- especially for the sake of charity. 