Steve Jobs we will miss you

My prayers are with Steve's family at this time. He was a great visionary and technology as we know it today is because of his visions. I'm glad he no longer suffers. May he fly with the angles and if he's there with God heaven is about to be upgraded!!!

Rest in Peace, Steve, and may God give peace to your family and loved ones.

Showing 1 response by itsalldark

I think this thread has gotten really weird. Steve Jobs, the man had a vision and a plan to get it done----and I think he did. He changed the world as we all know it, and he brought music into the lives of a lot of people who otherwise might not have listened at all. The rest of the Apple line up is pretty cool and from the sales numbers he seems to have gotten it right. A great man has died and I for one am disgusted by the comments above. Lets show a little compassion and respect. You don't have to agree with everything he did, or even like his products, but he has passed on and deserves a bit more then he has gotten from a few of the above posts. Just for the record I have an all analog rig, but I do own more then a couple of Ipods.