Stereophile's refusal to review more low

I have read countless letters to the editor pleading for more reviews of real world priced equipment. So far they have not responded in any meaningfull way. I wonder why they continue to run these letters if they are so focused on the mega buck stuff. What do you think ?

Showing 3 responses by gregm

Wellfed: there is a recent thread on high-endaudio. Copy: If that fails, try a "Salvatore" search.

No money, if no-one purchased from companies short of advertising cash, such companies would never reach the point of solvency (advertising or other) of ML, Krell, Linn, B&W, etc. So, any new Co with little seed capital is doomed to go belly under for lack of sales...

If on the other hand they get a sales boost, it would compromise on quality!

While I don't know about the latter, I disagree about the former: many present-day robust manufacturers started out in a proverbial garage... and *have* cash (advert or otherwise) today.

Granted, not all inherited a precision engineering operation in Scotland -- but surely there's hope!
