Stereophile's refusal to review more low

I have read countless letters to the editor pleading for more reviews of real world priced equipment. So far they have not responded in any meaningfull way. I wonder why they continue to run these letters if they are so focused on the mega buck stuff. What do you think ?

Showing 2 responses by ehider

Stereophile is a business. They need advertising dollars to survive. I have a personal friend who had one of the best sub $1500 D/A converters available, during 1997. When he approached Sterophile for a review, he was told bluntly:
"As soon as you decide to run an advertisement in our magazine, we will review your unit". Of course, being the small manufacturer that he was, he really couldn't afford to run an advertisment in Sterophile. Any questions?
Everyone who reads Sterophile, do yourself a favor: Don't ever look to Sterophile as a source for great bang for the buck components or speakers. The reviewers really don't have the exposure or experience with much of the budget market. Additionaly, reading this magazine will make you feel like sh*t, if you can't afford the best. Steroephile needs more perspective within the real man's budget. It took me 20 years to assemble and afford a world class (i.e., a "Sterophile approved system"). Up to this point, I was always wishing I'd won the lottery, so I could experience all of the sonic nirvana that these reviewers wrote about. Guess what? During these budget times I had the most sonic enjoyment with my previous "lesser" components and speakers. Why? Because I knew these were not the best, and that I had to accept the flaws AND ENJOY THE MUSIC! Sterophile, and it's elitest bretheren need an infusion of reality. They need embrace ALL manufacturers' products and show each of us how we can achieve sonic bliss on any budget!