Stereophile's A+ vs A rating leaves a question

Looking at the Oct 01 Stereophiles Recommended Components CD players leaves me scratching my head. I'm only slightly interested in SACD and am about to upgrade to a new, and probably last CD player (96 or 192KHz sampling)

The question arises in that Stereophile's A+ rating states that the rating only applies to SACD performance and not to red book CD performance. So if one is first interested in standard CD performance and wouldn't mind having SACD capability the ratings are useless.

I am currently considering the Sony SC DXA 777ES, Muse 190, Meridian 588/508.24, Cary 306/200. A real zoo isn't it.

Showing 1 response by s2k_dude

i can only speak for the 508.24, which was awesoime while i had it. i sold it for the $$$ but now have regrets for doing so. it's a very musical player yet has great detail nonetheless. the bass response rocks too.

as for the others, i have heard great things about the 306 and notso great things about the 777es and muse. go for the meridian or cary.