Stereophile's A+ vs A rating leaves a question

Looking at the Oct 01 Stereophiles Recommended Components CD players leaves me scratching my head. I'm only slightly interested in SACD and am about to upgrade to a new, and probably last CD player (96 or 192KHz sampling)

The question arises in that Stereophile's A+ rating states that the rating only applies to SACD performance and not to red book CD performance. So if one is first interested in standard CD performance and wouldn't mind having SACD capability the ratings are useless.

I am currently considering the Sony SC DXA 777ES, Muse 190, Meridian 588/508.24, Cary 306/200. A real zoo isn't it.

Showing 3 responses by keis

Ok. As of yesterday I'd never heard of the Audio Aero company or the Capitole. Assuming your all right I have reservations about a company that has limited distribution. I don't believe there is a place in Colorado that has it. THe other issue I have is with those mini tube outputs. Hell I was concerned about BATs super tube not being available. It may be the best thing since sliced bread but I'd hate to be orphaned with no replacement tubes available in a year or two with a $6000 unit.

Everyone talks about the 777Es not being up to par. Are we talking about the same unit? I am talking about the SCD AX777ES not the SCD-777ES. The AX is supposedly better then the SCD-1. Since I have not heard the AX (Its only been out for a few months) I am not defending it just think Sony confuses the hell out of us with over use of 777. You'd think they were Boeing aircraft.
Thanks Fat. Still have questions about Audio Aero. The company is small, overseas, and only been around 15 years? This is a major investment. It like buying a DeLorean. Great car but who fixes the thing after the bankruptcy?

Small stereo companies, even those with great products do tend to go out of business.
Good point. But I wouldn't call Cary large. Levinson yes, as part of Harmon surely is in the hi fi world.