++++StereoPhile Class A components+++++

Any of you guys who have listened to more components than I have, or maybe anyone who has been in the industry: I see a lot of posts mentioning "stereophile class A " etc, so I assume this recommendation carries a lot of weight. (After purchasing my Audio PHysic Virgo II's, I saw that they were class A in stereophile, so I felt like I agreed with what they were saying.) Are the reviews completely independent? With the vast array of components out there, can they really cover all of them? Do you guys really agree with the class A and B thing? Thanks for the perspective....Mark

Showing 7 responses by helcat

In the interest of disclosure, I asked Kr4 to identify him/herself. I have no business interest in this interesting and frustrating hobby. I imagine that a Stereopile reviewer may not be able to disclose for corporate reasons. I appreciate this since Art Dudleys' political commentary has been reigned in. You take the good with the bad, or conversely. Art in this months Sterophile touched on this -ongoing personal and business relationships. Just human nature.

We don't need complex statistical analysis or a smokin' gun. We simply peruse ads and reviews. KR often reviews pro gear without advertisements. Read critically. Sean
As someone who as actually been confined to quarters, I can understand Kals reluctance. I was referring corporate policies in some companies prohibiting posting on internet bulletin boards within their industry, even anonymously. It is assumed you speak for the publisher.
There is supposed to be a chinese wall between advertising and content. It appears that Stereophiles' wall seems porous to the unwashed. Myself included. Enlighten me.
Sean, actually I very much respect Kr4 reviews. The original thread was/is Stereophile class listing and the credence given. Don't get all wishy-washy on me now that a credentialed reviewer is online. remember your first post?
Trust your experience. I would never cancel my Stereophile subscription as then I could only yell at the TV. Also, Sean
Sean, I jest. I am actually intrigued enough to review your threads. No jest. I don't believe I have ever met any Stereophile reviewers. Kal seems like a humorous fellow.
Sean and Kal I do have a couple of nits to pick. Sean when you quote me, quote me accurately. Kal, my comments are not in a previous issue. They are in a post preceding yours. This obscures context and intent.
Sean, I will try to take some time off to catch up with your prolific postings on multiple sites. Sorry...
My wife forced me to attend AA after a vicious three day bender. I got the chip somewhere. I was under the impression they were a self perpetuating meritocracy without bosses.
The other day me and JA ST and the gang had to call MF onto the carpet over that whole crown jewel reference se/shelter fiasco. Just kidding. I always enjoyed name dropping.
Don't make me taunt you a third time.