Stereophile claims about Magico

Stereophile claims Magico has revolutionized loudspeaker design. All I see is standard design. Only 1 thing is slightly new, carbon nano tubes the carbon fiber cones already been done, aluminum cabinets been done. The driver array 1 tweeter 1 mid 2 woofers been done to death. The way magico attaches drivers old as the hills Ive got 50 year old loudspeakers that mount simlar. The way he designs crossovers is fairly standard. So whats the revolution the nano carbon tubes? Or just another bold claim on mag cover to sell issues.

Showing 2 responses by avguygeorge

I thought the TAS review was better. Stereophile spends 1/3 of the space discussing their policy on # of dealers required to qualify for their reviewing a product. TAS has more meat. Of course all reviews have the same purpose.
Sorry if this is to obvious but the perfect speaker doesn't exist so I guess any claim is just that,a claim.
Having been here at the site, for long-time; I know so many love to trash the mags.---However just from having read their constant trashing; I think the writers have more integrity. ( in that) I never read in the rags re. dumb philes that post as if they were experts ??--(This in part referring to that long Michael Fremer bash- post, a year or so back.)