Stereo systems are like Harleys

You'll never see two exactly alike. They are an expression of the owners ideas on design and performance, usually within the construct of a budget. Often put together over time with new and used parts.

I love that about this hobby. How boring would it be if we all had the same ideas of how a system should sound or look?

When you go to any kind of a rally, be it a poker run, charity ride or whatever.... it's customary to just walk around, checking out other peoples rides and chatting it up. It's a great way to meet people and have fun. Oddly, those bikers who's stigma is to be rowdy and obnoxious, are the nicest people I've met. Never once have I ever heard comments like DUH you should done this or that with your bike. Everything and everybody is accepted as is.

Perhaps some folks around here could learn a thing or two from the bikers. 


Showing 2 responses by rodman99999

My sound systems have never marked their spot, or enjoyed riding in the back of a pick-up, as did my dogs and '53 Pan (on rare occasion).                                                                Nor have I ever seen a shirt, proclaiming, "I Own An Accurate Sound System, NOT Just a T-shirt!"                                                                                                                                          One similarity: If anyone had to ask WHY I own either: they (obviously) wouldn't understand!
"I hope there’s not an audiophile equivalent."      The wannabe/weekend warrior/shop-to-live, live-to-shop, "audiophile"  (99%ers, maybe?)