Stereo system Too Bright

I have a stereo that consists of a Marantz CD-63SE, an Adcom SLC-505 passive pre, an Adcom GFA-535II power amp, Axiom M40ti floorstanding speakers, Phoenix Gold $20 interconnects, and standard Monster speaker cable.

Lately I have really noticed that it sounds too bright. With some recordings, it seems like there are two tracks, one for the hi-hat and snare, and one for the rest of the music. cymbals always seem to come out over the top of the mix, to the point where it is bordering on unlistenable. At the very least it's extremely annoying.

I'm wondering how I can get rid of this problem. My preamp doesn't have a tone control, so I'm thinking that I'll probably have to go for other interconnects or maybe alter the speaker cabinets somehow (by stuffing them or something). I don't know how you would go about doing this, but it seems like about all I can do - there are only so many components that could be at fault. Does anyone know what my problem is? Hopefully these components aren't just totally mismatched...

I hope you guys can shed some light on this issue.

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Agree with many of the above posters: I also had the 63 for about 2 years. The player did some things good but overall-in a general sense-the sound was indeed bright You should start with your source(the 63) before monkeying around with cables.
Some other cdp's I've had in my system that may give you the sound you're looking for are the Rega Planet and the AhTjoeb-but please audition first.
Good Luck!
I had a similar "brightness" problem in my system last year.At the time I had an HK 520 reciever,NAD 512 xd,and Mordaunt-Short MS908 speakers.On some CD's it was almost painfull.I tried various combinations of CD players, interconnects,speaker wires ,nothing really helped.getting kind of desperate,I tried a Rotel 1055 reciever for a weekend from a local shop.WOW...finally, CD's were listenable again,I figure the pre-amp section in the Rotel was just a lot better.After I got the Rotel,I rethought my whole setup,and ended up replaceing everything but the Mordaunt-Shorts.It is now pretty much all Rotel,and very listenable.My next project in room treatments

Just my experience

Cheap fix is aim the speakers more stright forward so the tweeter is not aimed at your ears. Put a couple of layers of tissues over the tweeter.