Stereo Separation - Turntable

I'm new to turntables - just bought my first Music Hall MMF2.2. I've noticed on multiple stereo vinyl recordings (recordings I am quite familiar with on CD), that the stereo separation is rather extreme. What I mean by that is on albums like Cannonball Adderley's Somethin' Else, where there is percussion and horns, the left channel plays the horns and the right channel the bass and drums. Piano is in the center. Is this typical? I thought perhaps it was a speaker placement/toeing issue, but the same setup but played on CD does not have that problem -- the sound on CD is centered with a wide sound stage.

I suppose I'm wondering if this is a limitation of my turntable, or a setup/connection issue or a recording issue? The records that I've noticed this on are all stereo and all bought new. Turntable setup includes the MMF 2.2 mentioned above, stock musichall tracker cartridge, a Cambridge Audio 640p phono stage, hooked up to an Adcom GTP500 preamp and NAD320BEE amp.

Thank you for any help/suggestions.


Showing 2 responses by emorrisiv

David you will find that vinyl sound staging is much bigger in general. There is so much more nuance to LPs that it will be strange to you when you hear something that you "know" from years on CD.
You should play around with your speaker placement until you find sound staging is accurate.You should use acoustic/non electronic with the least amount of editing/production.Listen and think of where the instruments should be if they were in front of you on a stage.
One of my rigs is junk compared to what you have and it images magic easily.
Did you or a knowledgeable person set it up? If it is a pre-installed and shipped setup I wouldn't trust it.At the very least download and print a protractor and check alignment.You can get a digital scale online for less than $30.00.Not a $150.00 made for turntable scale but a small,flat digital scale that works just as well,or better.
setup can and will effect the imaging.
welcome to the charming world of vinyl,you will find that you are now into the hobby.
A test record can be very helpful for base lining things,but I find that the more you understand and "hear" what is going on with the rig that you will make adjustments for the better. This is particularly true with VTA. I also adjust my VTF frequently depending on what I hear with a given disc.This is a subtle change,but one that can make a big difference in the nuances.
As for the VTA;listen to simple acoustic music first and make sure it is not too muddy(arm too low),or too high (arm too high).Then listen to some acoustic jazz that has a decent bass with the same thing in mind.
When you feel that you are in the ballpark,use a vernier caliper and record the height of the arm. That way you can return to the base line point that you have labored over.
If you buy the 180-200g albums you will want to raise it.If you listen to old RCA Dynagroove and Dynaflex records you will want to lower it. These movements are very minor.Of course the high end arms that have VTA "on the fly" where you can adjust it while it is playing makes it a very easy job.And if anyone is skeptical about my methods;go listen to one of the new VPIs with the JMW arm that can be adjusted while playing.You can just turn the know and the sound changes like a tone control.

This kind of fiddling is so much fun and part of the charm.

but you have to be careful.
