Stereo or monoblocks

I recently bought a pair of the JBL HDI-3800 speakers. I also own a McIntosh C-2300 preamp. Should I buy a used McIntosh mc402 stereo power amp or try to find a pair of a different brands monoblocks? The new Schiit Tyr has my interest.


Showing 2 responses by normantaylor

A little late on this chain, but I recently changed from a stereo amp to mono blocks. I have power hungry Magnepan 20.7's.  I had a McIntosh 462 stereo amp that supplied 450 wpc.  It worked well.  However, I decided to go mono blocks more out of curisoity than anything.  I bought Sander's Sound Systems amplifiers.  Magtech Monoblock amps.  They supply 2000 wpc!   I was blown away by the difference in clarity of sound.  It made my Maggies blossom.  I even contemplated selling my REL subwoofers because the bass was coming out of the Maggies like I had never heard before.  In short the amplification of the mono blocks was remarkable.  I am a believer in mono blocks.  I heard instruments and sounds from CD's and LP's I had listened to for years that I had never heard before.  It was truly amazing.  I am a big fan of Sanders Sound Systems amplifiers.  Roger Sanders has been in the biz since 1974.  As an engineer he is meticulous in his work, has written many white papers on audio issues and has top service.  Best of luck in your adventure.

@chocaholic I know the increased wpc had everything to do with why my music sounds better on my system.  The mono blocks in my case provided greater wpc.  To your point, I have seen mono blocks that have quite low wpc, but I think that is the exception.