Stereo Imaging

I think I've written about this before, but I wonder how many of us who use the same system for HT and music get fooled into suspecting the center channel must be generating the center image. I was playing the Abkco disc of "Let It Bleed" and found myself compelled once again to put my ear to the center channel to assure it was not generating the strong centered image I was hearing. Intellectually I knew it wasn't because I've tested it before, but the image is so strong it creates a cognitive dissonance. In a world of 7.1, I'm afraid I forget just how effective stereo can be in generating a soundstage.

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Showing 4 responses by mceljo

This is exactly why I don't use a center channel for home theater. I really don't believe that it's necessary for a listening position between the main speakers.

The other reason is that the matching center speaker was far to big to fit into any piece of furniture that I was considering.
I run a 4.1 setup and let my reciver mix the center channel into the mains.

The other option might be to use subtitles?
"...if the center is of equivalent quality..." - Pmcneil

I can't disagree with you on this, but is the home theater advantage big enough to warrant spending a little less on the mains assuming the same overall budget? It's all about choices for people working on limited budgets.

I probably would have the matching center in my system, but I simply couldn't find any furniture that it would fit in.

Hearing a significant difference with the addition of a center channel is a little different than not missing the center when you don't have one.
Is this their self titled CD or one of the others? This sounds like something that I'd enjoy hearing.

Right now I have a bassinet "tweak" in front of my right channel speaker. It should only last a few weeks until my wife can handle stairs after her c-section. I can't say that I've been able to turn the volume up enough to notice any difference. It's all about diapers and trying to get some sleep right now.