Stereo, hi fidility, ultra hifidelity ?

Can one of you smart Analog people me what to look for on an LP with regard to how the LP was recorded. I got a few questions.....
Went to purchase an LP the other day and found out that there are LP's recorded in stereo. Thats easy enough. But what does 'Hi Fi' on a jacket cover mean. Is that the same as stereo? What about 'Hi Fidelity' and 'Ultra Hi Filelity'? Oh, and what does 'MS' on a jacket cover mean ?

I was told that at some point, 'Stereo' recordings became the norm hence the word was not even put on the LP covers.

If there is a difference in recording methods, does it make much of a difference ? Thanks in advance....,.
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Showing 1 response by rives

As to your question about Hi-Fi, Hi-Fidelity, and Ultra Hi-Fidelity--they are marketing terms. Each time a company came up with a new process, or improved the old one, they would label it as such--just to create market perception of an improved pressing method over their competitors. As to the "Stereo" question--pretty simple, but it's interesting to note that Classic Records (one of the top re-issue labels) is now re-issuing many albums in their original mono format.