stereo amp vs monoblocks, any advantages?

Are there any advantages to using a pair of monoblocs as opposed to a single stereo amp, apart from extra power, that is. If so, what do you gain sonically from this?
I'll take a well designed/well built stereo amp over its' poorly designed/poorly designed Chinese (insert your favorite third would country and/or bargain basement manufacturer here) built monoblocks any day.

Two chassis in and of themselves mean nothing.

Should have read "poorly designed/poorly built".

First post was poorly proof read with poor reading skills in poor lighting.
You need monoblocks if the power requirements exceed 1,000 watts per channel, otherwise they are just a luxury.

You can test for crosstalk in a stereo amp by unplugging the left input cable, and listening to the left speaker. It's usually pretty quiet.
I'll have to go with cool also., that just sounds cool. Even cooler when you spell it without the "k".