Stepping up from Rega 25 - suggest used turntable?

I have been enjoying a Rega planar 25 turntable with stock arm (RB300?) for about a year. The cartridge is a Linn Adikt. I like the warm sound with good dynamics,...but I recently listened to a new Linn LP12 with the same cartridge, and experienced a HUGE improvement in the depth/soundstage of the music. I am convinced that I need to improve my turntable...but I can't swallow the $5,000 price tag on the new Linn. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions for a used purchase in the $2,500 or less range. Also..the TT must be pretty simple..can't require a lot of tweaking. Some of the past discussions point toward Teres, Nottingham and VPI.... THANKS for your advice!
FYI, my phono stage is within my Rotel RC995 pre amp. I have a Rotel RB1080 AMP, and Infinity reference series RSIIB speakers.

Showing 1 response by dan_ed

Hi Zulla,

How about a suspended Basis? I hope I am not out of line by posting this but I am selling one that I have and it is well below your price point. Your 600 would fit but would need a simple modification by Basis. Basis are very simple but well designed and built. They are set and forget and I know it will deliver the dynamics you are seeking.