Step up from Bluesound Vault 2, next move?

I have owned a Bluesound Vault 2 for nearly 2 years. I bought primarily to rip my CD collection to be all in one place.
However over the last couple years my listening has changed and I mostly stream Tidal through the Vault or listen to vinyl.
So I already have all my CD ripped and not likely to add many more in all honesty.

The Vault is likely not the last word in streaming quality I realise.

So suggestions based on experience please.
If I am going to update to a newer server I may as well make it a server DAC so I can replace both the Vault and the Brooklyn in one move.

Obviously the sq needs outperform the Vault fed into the Brooklyn.

I have backed up all my CD collection from the Vault to a separate 2tb USB drive so will be able to access those as a local drive ( I hope).

What is the most logical next move?

Showing 6 responses by david_ten

Kevin, you need to define " best direction." This is about you and your needs.

Using the Auralic series as an illustration...

The G2 series, among other areas, focuses on improving galvanic isolation, power supplies, physical separation, physical isolation, etc.

All of which, generally speaking in my experience, provides a return on sound performance.

Whether the additional spend to achieve a ’higher’ level of performance is worth it, only you can say.
@uberwaltz Given the degree and emphasis of your streaming habits/levels I recommend getting separate solutions.

The BlueSound will be easily surpassed by the available server / streamer options (budget depending).

If you can elaborate on what you are looking for with respect to a converter, folks with DAC experience may be able to be more helpful.
If going the Auralic way, then make sure the G2 is considered against the G1. Value vs feature set / upgrades.
@uberwaltz  There is a new review of the Antipodes CX and EX (server+renderer) which I posted here:

It will address some, if not many, of your concerns and issues on the topic.