Steamer upgrade? Follow up follow up

@ianrmack 168 hours and counting, still giddy , possibly even giddier.


Showing 2 responses by bikeboy52

@lalitk Bottomless eggnog? I believe you may be on to something! Cheers everyone! Even the naysayers!🎄

@ianrmack Cant get my embarrassing typo post to disappear so I may as well respond.At no time did I opine about the need for anyone to buy a six thousand dollar streamer (paid five) or a six hundred dollar one for that matter. As my post states “ this is my personal  experience with this subject” I also clearly stated that I did not possess the language, read that (audio adjectives) to describe my improvement.I look to this site before making changes to my system and have for years .I’ve gotten a pretty good feel over that time for whose opinions I trust. Also just my own opinion here again ,the “ mid range bloom ,added air ,deepest dark background don’t really tell me that much ,I need to hear it myself not everyone hears the same thing. I had read enough here to make me feel pretty confident that I was going to have a positive result with my purchase and I did.Why don’t you spend some time on this and the other audio sites and buy a used higher end stremer and try it , if you get a good enough deal you’ll be able to flip it back for what you paid or maybe take a little hit on it.but its the only way our ever gonna know. Or just stop worrying about it and listen to your system, but it’s pretty ridiculous to think that someones discrpiction of the sound they hear will be a guarantee that you’ll feel the same way about it.