Static problem? Try this

The static I generate when walking over to my hi-fi rig could stun a small mammal, especially if I'm wearing my favorite slippers. I've tried various things to mitigate it (humidifier, touching the fireplace doors, etc.) but they were either a hassle or didn't work very well.

Last night, after a particularly big shock (1/2" bolt of blue, ouch!) my wife suggested I place one of those dryer sheets (we use Bounce) on top of my equipment. What the heck, I'll give it a try....

IT WORKS LIKE A CHAMP! I cannot believe how well this works! There is absolutely NO static now, all I have to do is touch the sheet before touching any equipment. Try it and see.

My wife, I think I'll keep her!

Showing 2 responses by 4yanx

If heard that is effective. Also, put some liquid fabric softener in a spray bottle and just moisten the carept in front of your rig.. Test a small piece of carpet first. Have never heard of damage (it is intended for fabrics), but why risk it?
Well, yes, grounding the rack and REMEMBERING to touch it first works best.

The spray on the carpet lasts about a month or so, depending, and can usually get you by during the driest part of the winter. I used to live in the Midwest where it was Rice Krispie time during the winter and used this to some decent effect. Now, I have worked something similar to Sean, but in the case of the Bay Area, CA, find it more useful during the dry summer months. El Nino has provided more moisture than we need right now!